Castle in the clouds dokapon. The Cyber Saber (デジ剣 Digisword) is a weapon in Dokapon Kingdom. Castle in the clouds dokapon

 The Cyber Saber (デジ剣 Digisword) is a weapon in Dokapon KingdomCastle in the clouds dokapon  Asiana Item Store (Southernmost)

Explore. Subscribe. It likes to use magic to attack despite its low MG stat and is deceptively resilient to offensive magic due to its defensive magic, Charm, reducing magic damage by 70%. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. during random encounters with a 3% drop chance. Official site. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. A Gnome (ノーム) is a physical tank monster in Dokapon Kingdom. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Mechanical Soldier) is a Job class obtainable after mastering both the Alchemist and Monk jobs and giving the Lost Technology to the King. In Kingdom, they can drop "Fashion Mag #8," which will allow the player to get a new haircut from Karlie in Dokapon Castle, called "Wabbit" and also the Wabbit Shield. Since it is the third continent, it contains stronger enemies than the second continent. The Thunder Axe (サンダーアクス) is a weapon in Dokapon Kingdom. Lich (Journey), the variant that appears in Dokapon Journey. Thief (シーフ) is one of the 3 Job classes available to players when setting up a new game of Dokapon Kingdom. It occasionally duplicates an item or field magic in the holder's inventory. He. AT. Used to obtain the. They frequently use Strike or try to break the opponent's Shield with their Battle Skill Breath. It is located on the continent Hallstatt. This is the. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. The Japanese name of this monster indicates that it is based off Scylla, a legendary female sea monster in Greek mythology. Other than Dokapon DX, Towns are first found to be occupied by a Monster, generally slightly stronger than the local monsters on that continent. A Skeleton (スケルトン) is a type of monster in Dokapon Kingdom. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Kraken (Kingdom), the variant that appears in Dokapon Kingdom. 28 Ch. Whoever collects the most money for him in the Story Mode will get the honor of marrying his daughter, Princess Penny (if she is in the game), and becoming the next. Tower of Rabble 1F Item Store. Weapon (Kingdom) The Silver Shield (銀の盾) is a shield in Dokapon Kingdom. Dokapon Kingdom: Connect. The Wabbit's stats are each the lowest value among the adventurers, meaning it becomes weaker if all. The Girly Shield (ポヨヨンシールド Poyoyon Shield) is a shield in Dokapon Kingdom. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Aurora has a damage multiplier of 5. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. They are most commonly obtained from Magic Spaces and Magic Stores, but they can. How to Visit. Wallace (Kingdom) Overlord Rico; Clonus; Monsters. Purchasing Admission Tickets. They specialize in speed. Name Email Website. Found in white loot spaces in the Daunting Mountain. . 11 views 1 month ago. A Squilla (スキュラ Scylla) is a type of monster in Dokapon Kingdom. 2. Dokapon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Most visited articles. Clovis is the third continent in Dokapon Kingdom. Ninja (Kingdom job), a Job in Dokapon Kingdom that unlocked after mastering Thief and Warrior. Edit. Wallace Badge is an accessory in Dokapon the World. Sea Scorpion. Edit Edit source View history Talk (0) Main article: Maps Main article: Castle in the Clouds . Won as a possible reward by matching 3 bell symbols and receiving an "Excellent" modifier in a 500,000G bet in the Casino. It gives no extra stats when equipped. Rico Jr. Alchemy is a skill used by Alchemists in Dokapon Kingdom. The Large Shield is a shield in Dokapon Kingdom. At the bottom of this room there are two blocks. Found in the white loot space in the Dark Dimension. Found in shield spaces in the Castle in the Clouds. Start by writing it down then end it with – Added by (user name here). Dokapon Kingdom Bingo bingo card with Get 3 castles, Win 5 player battles, 6 step plan succeeds 10 times, Open 3 locked boxes, Take Stinkine, Get the Acrobat class, Open red chests 10 times, Get a good item from a red chest 3 times, Become Darkling and 1. The Piggy Bank is a special item in Dokapon Kingdom acquired during the end of Chapter 2. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Squall is a type of field magic in Dokapon Kingdom. Assassin (Kingdom), the variant that appears in Dokapon Kingdom. This article is a disambiguation page for King. Castle in the Clouds; Acrobat; Dokapon Kingdom; Darkling; Monsters. Field magic is a one-time use spell that can be used on either opponents or Monsters. Rico Jr. In order to master Alchemist and Monk, the Thief, Magician, and Cleric jobs must also be mastered. It has a chance to put the defender to sleep if they're hit by an attack. It gives the user 4 spinners for their next movement. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Wallace (Kingdom) Overlord Rico; Clonus; Monsters; Doppelganger. A Leopard Bandana is an accessory in Dokapon Kingdom that increases the amount of money dropped from defeated monsters by 30%. Continue along this path and the Water Strider’s Shoes will be at. Explore. Wallace (Kingdom) Overlord Rico; Clonus; Monsters; Doppelganger; Kobold (Kingdom) Dokapon Kingdom monsters. Castle in the Clouds; Acrobat; Dokapon Kingdom; Locked Box Space; Monsters. The single Locked Box Space in the second basement floor contains a Golden Shield. Field Skill - Treat Wounds: Each turn, HP is recovered by 5%. If the Monster uses Give Up, it will always drop one of the Items available. The effect to reduce the defender's stats when hit with an attack is similar to the field magic Down. Castle in the Clouds; Acrobat; Darkling; Dokapon Kingdom; Monsters. Entrance to Castle in the Clouds located on 3F of Daunting Mountain located in Western Llano. Rico Jr. It can only be obtained by defeating Rico Jr. Dokapon UP! Mugen no Roulette (ドカポンUP! 夢幻のルーレット) is a game in the Dokapon series developed by Sting and published by Aquaplus. Categories. They are most commonly obtained from Magic Spaces and Magic Stores, but they can also be received by robbing the Magic Store or the Merchant, White Loot Spaces, Red Loot Spaces, and Locked Boxes. Continue through the water and in the next room head up out of the water and through the door on the left. Job (World) Jobs are a major aspect in Dokapon the World, moreso then in Kingdom and Journey, there are no bonus stats from levelling up instead your job decides all your stats as a whole. All current field status ailments, battle ailments, and buffs are kept after use. Found in weapon spaces in the Castle in the Clouds. Field magic is unable to be used on the caster. In Kingdom, they can drop "Fashion Mag #8," which will allow the player to get a new haircut from Karlie in Dokapon Castle, called "Wabbit" and also the Wabbit Shield. The Longbow (ロングボウ) is a weapon in Dokapon Kingdom. Slime (Kingdom), the variant that appears in Dokapon Kingdom. It is impossible for a monster to drop two items at once. Used to obtain the Hero job. castle in the clouds". Pierogi is the only local item produced by Ural, a town found in the Asiana continent. Purchasing Admission Tickets. A Pazuzu (パズス) is a type of monster in Dokapon Kingdom. Categories. It can be obtained from item spaces or be bought from the following Item Stores for 150G. The King is the king appearing throughout the Dokapon series. It has a chance to block incoming status ailments. The Great Tempest (グレアテンペスト Glare Tempest) is a weapon in Dokapon Kingdom. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. Found in the red loot space in Flinders. Rico Jr. Doom is a Field Status Ailment that can be obtained by an opponent casting the Field Magic Death Call on another adventurer. Purchased from the weapon stores in Hallstatt and Clovis. . When used, the user turns intangible, making them unaffected by Field Magic or Dark Arts. The Draco Blade is a weapon in Dokapon Kingdom. Lectro Beam is the most powerful electricity-based Offensive Magic available in Dokapon Kingdom. Field Skill: Meditation - Restores the user's. Since it is the second continent, it contains more challenging enemies than the first continent. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. It can only be found in the Prologue and the Castle in the Clouds. The Hand Axe (ハンドアクス) is a weapon in Dokapon Kingdom. Castle in the Clouds; Acrobat; Darkling; Dokapon Kingdom; Monsters. The Aura Knuckle is a weapon in Dokapon Kingdom. They rarely use Counter, making them good choices to Strike . Battle Skill - Hefty Crush: Makes an attack with a slightly lower hit rate. At the bottom of this room there are two blocks. Bank Space. It was released on the Japanese PS2 in 2007. Found in shield spaces in the Castle in the Clouds. Purchased from the weapon store in Aphrike. Rico Jr. Dokapon Wiki. It is the initial spawn point of all Normal Mode games and Battle Royale games. Purchased from the weapon store on the third floor of the Tower of Rabble. They rarely Counter, making them vulnerable to Strike. Asiana Item Store (Southernmost). Job; Robo Knight; Hero; Castle in the Clouds; Acrobat; Dokapon Kingdom; Darkling;. Purchased from the weapon store in Llano. I haven't tried getting their in story. Weapon Space. It is also possible to. The Golden Shield is a shield in Dokapon Kingdom. in a battle and hope that he. The following is a list of links to pages that might share the same title. For Dokapon Kingdom on the Wii, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "lvl 78. Rico Jr. Magic includes these 4 things: Offensive Magic. It contains the sixth castle, Kalar Castle. In Story Mode, he is encountered twice and fought once. Found in red loot spaces in Clovis and the Lava Cave. The Ragnarok Shield is a shield in Dokapon Kingdom. Found in a locked box in the Underground Passage. The Castle in the Clouds is an area only accessible from the third floor of Daunting Mountain with the use of an item called Angel Wings. Dokapon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. in. Found in weapon spaces in the Castle in the Clouds. It can be found on White Loot Spaces and Item Spaces on B2F of the Sunken Shrine. View Mobile Site Follow on IG. Angelo (ナビィ Nabi) is the character that shows up on the main screen, and walks players through the game starting process. Castle in the Clouds; Acrobat; Dokapon Kingdom; Darkling; Monsters. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. To get to the Castle in the Sky, first you have to defeat Rico Jr. They can also be rewarded randomly from the King in Normal Mode and Battle Royale for killing Big Monsters. He is the father of Princess Penny (except for most Japanese versions). Land on a bank space and collect. The Lost Technology is an item in Dokapon Kingdom. Rico Jr. Their Strike move is not that dangerous because their low MG and SP means their strikes. Most visited articles. Investing refers to an action an Adventurer can take when they are on a town or castle that they currently own. Stats. They also possess the. It is a collaboration title between the Dokapon and Utawarerumono series, being set in the world of. Their low MG makes them very vulnerable to Offensive Magic. The Combat Knife (コンバットナイフ) is a weapon in Dokapon Kingdom. Dokapon Wiki. Obtain a Hero License from the Castle in the Clouds. The Tower Shield is a shield in Dokapon Kingdom. It has a chance to deal additional Lightning damage to the defender if they're hit by an attack. Hallstatt is modeled after the real-life continent of Europe, and is the gate-way to the third continent, Clovis. Castle in the Clouds; Acrobat; Dokapon Kingdom; Darkling; Monsters. Rico Jr. Categories. Found in white loot spaces in the Pyramid. It released in Japan on April 13, 2023, and in North America and Europe on May 9, 2023. A Locked Box Space is a space which requires a Magic Key to use. This article is a stub. Found in weapon spaces in the Castle in the Clouds. The story is one Prologue and 7 Chapters long. The 9 possible point values are as follows: 0 Points 5 Points 10 Points 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 100 Points 200 Points12,500G. Asiana Item Store (Southernmost) Hallstatt Item Store. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. You just have to land on an empty space and hope for the best. Found in weapon spaces in the Castle in the Clouds. Obtained by transforming into a Darkling replacing the adventurer's weapon during the Darklingdom. Spellsword (魔法剣士 Mahō kenshi, lit. Footsore is a status ailment that reduces movement of the target to 1 space on their next turn. Rico Jr. Edit. Assassin (Journey), the variant that appears in Dokapon Journey. The first player to land on her space, get the antidote, and take it back to Dokapon Castle will be rewarded with the deed to Khan's Castle. The Smith's Hammer (フレイピック Fray Pick) is a weapon in Dokapon Kingdom. An Ogre (オーガ) is an incredibly powerful brute force monster in Dokapon Kingdom. For Dokapon Kingdom on the Wii, a GameFAQs message board topic titled. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Stats/Level: +1 AT, +1 MG, +1 SP, +20 HP Mastery +10 HP/Level 8 Items 6 Field Magic Starting Salary: 7,500Ð Battle Skill: Raging Blaze - The user's AT rises as their HP falls. Rico Jr. These Spaces have a variety of effects, with some only being available or meaningful in certain parts of Story Mode. Their high Counter rate makes them dangerous to Strike. It leads to another dungeon, the Dark Castle. How many Items and Field Magic can be held. Purchased from the weapon stores in Aphrike and on the third floor of the Daunting Mountain. The following maps show where all the collectables are (Hearts, Treasures). They are capable of dealing deceptively high damage with their Strike. The Shamshir (シャムシール) is a weapon in Dokapon Kingdom. A Red Bones (ボーンナイト Bone Knight) is a type of monster in Dokapon Kingdom. It was released in Japan on December 10, 2020, for the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. When an adventurer levels up, their stats will be increased and they will be given a certain number of points that can be distributed onto specific stats. Greetings! Since the most detailed FAQ up currently doesn't have an item list at all, I just wanted to confirm that the Angel Wings. If the hairstyle matches the particular theme the King rewards the adventurer. It was released on the Japanese PS2 in 2007. My friend specifically asked me to tell him when I was recording so he could spam me with Discord notifs lmaoTwitter: my car. A Phoenix (フェニックス) is a magical monster in Dokapon Kingdom that is very difficult to defeat with Offensive Magic . Categories. In this mode, the player is able to choose a character in 3-2-1, or, create his or her own Adventurer in Dokapon Kingdom which they can control throughout the duration of the story. A Heckhound (ヘルハウンド Hellhound) is a fearsome monster in Dokapon Kingdom. Dokapon Sword Dokaqon Sword Dragonslayer Estoc Flambard Great Axe Greatsword Long Spear Longsword Partisan Rapier Sabre Scimitar Shamshir Silver Sword Soul Eater Thunder Axe Thunder Blade Trident เงินเดือน Level 1: 1,200 G Level 2: 1,800 G Level 3: 2,700 G Level 4: 4,050 G Level 5: 6,075 G Level 6: 9,113 GBoards. Don't underestimate it. Got two weeks to hide from the darkling, so let's go up to the castle in the clouds. Wind Bracelet is an accessory in Dokapon the World. Found in white loot spaces in the Castle in the Clouds and the Pyramid. They're said to cause the winds that allow kamaitachi to move so quickly. Wallace (Kingdom) Overlord Rico; Clonus. Let's Play Dokapon Kingdom Part 43! Ryan tries to reach the mysterious castle in the clouds while Max takes on Rico Jr. Categories. Magazine Hairstyle Obtained Fashion Mag #1 Afro Kira the Merchant: Fashion Mag #2 Raiden Casino: Fashion Mag #3 Samurai (Male) Geisha (Female) Kira the MerchantKarlie the Stylist is the barber of the Kingdom, and is able to give Adventurers a different Hairstyle. Purchased from the weapon store in the Underground Passage. Rico Jr. Dokapon Wiki. Towns are found on every continent, as well as one Castle. Castle in the Clouds. This video is of me and my brother playing story. Obtain a Hero License from the Castle in the Clouds. Purchased from the weapon store on the third floor of the Daunting Mountain. again. Assassin is a recurring monster throughout the Dokapon series and may refer to any of the pages below: Assassin (Monster Hunter), the variant that. Obtained by defeating a. Land on a. It was made after Dokapon 3-2-1: Arashi o Yobu Yuujou. A Lizardman (リザードマン) is a powerful sword-wielding monster in Dokapon Kingdom. This can range from 1–999 weeks. The monster spawned will be a monster that can possibly spawn on that space. Wallace (Kingdom) Overlord Rico; Clonus; Monsters; Doppelganger; Kobold (Kingdom) Dokapon Kingdom monsters. Most can be bought in Weapon Stores, but some can only be found in Red Loot Spaces, Locked Box Spaces, or other means. Leane the Village Girl (村娘 レイン Village Girl Rein), or simply Leane, is a Special Event NPC from Dokapon Kingdom who can appear on Empty Spaces in place of a battle. The only possible way to obtain the Hero License is obtaining the Angel Wings to get into the Castle in the Clouds, which is a random. Castle in the Clouds; Acrobat; Darkling; Dokapon Kingdom; Monsters. It is required for adventurers to go through the forest if they want to get to Llano for the first time. Purchased from the weapon stores in Llano and the third floor of the Daunting Mountain. A Miracle Serum is an item in Dokapon Kingdom. It can be obtained from item spaces or be bought from the following Item Stores for 1,400G. At the bottom of this room there are two blocks. It is based off of the real world continent of Africa. You can help make the page more complete by editing. It can be obtained from Item Spaces, a 500,000G bet at the Casino, the Beggar Man, Robbing a Store, or be bought from the following Item Stores for 18,000G. Investing refers to an action an Adventurer can take when they are on a town or castle that they currently own. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. 0:00 / 31:34 Dokapon Kingdom Ep. A Goblin (ゴブリン) is a type of monster in Dokapon Kingdom. Purchased from the weapon store in Aphrike. It also contains the entrance to the Spring Cave. When visiting, children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult 21 years or older. She is a playable character who's personality is fairly childish, but adventurous at heart. The sixth game in the Dokapon series, Dokapon Kingdom is a turn-based RPG/board game hybrid developed by Sting Entertainment and released for the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Wii, with an English localization released by Atlus USA for the PS2 the same year and on the Wii in 2010. Their high Counter rate makes them dangerous to Strike. It has a chance to deal additional Light damage to the defender if they're hit by an attack. Obtained as a random drop from a Succubus. The Shell Shield (こうらの盾) is a shield in Dokapon Kingdom. Found in white loot spaces in the Castle in the Clouds and the Pyramid. They include Adventurers and NPCs. Categories. Explore. In Normal Mode, he is a. Dried Kusaya is a local item in Dokapon Kingdom. Roshambo is a minigame which is the primary way to settle duels between NPCs in the Dokapon series. Hobgoblin. Amazon is one of the jobs chosen at the start of Dokapon Journey. The weapon's Japanese name and appearance indicates it may be based on the Wado Ichimonji from One Piece. They prefer Fist-type Weapons, such as Chi Knuckle and Aura Knuckle. Llano is the fourth continent in Dokapon Kingdom. He has a crush on Princess Penny. Dokapon Wiki. Scorch’s. Rico Jr. It is located in a spinning whirlpool in the top right of the Llano continent. Stats/Level: +2 AT, +1 SP, +20 HP Mastery +10 HP/Level 10 Items 4 Field Magic Starting Salary: 5,000Ð Battle Skill: Beranmee - Doubles the user's Attack stat in battle at the cost of halving their Magic stat. The Angel Choker is an accessory in Dokapon Kingdom that gives the holder a 33% chance of being revived upon being killed. Categories Categories: Maps; Add category; Cancel Save. Once you enter the Castle, the King will heal you and remove any status effects you might be afflicted with. It also contains the entrance to the Casino Cave. A Weapons Space is a very rare Loot Space whose loot is always Weapons. Won as a reward by matching 3 bell symbols and receiving an "Excellent" modifier in a 500,000G bet in the Casino. Wallace (Kingdom) Overlord Rico; Clonus; Monsters. You can help Dokapon Wiki by expanding it. Topic Archived. Angel Wings disappear after entering Castle in the Clouds, Hero License can be. Purchased from the weapon store on the third floor of the Daunting Mountain. If you wanna skip ahead of the timeline then watch me stream - Fellas:Quintin (Purple)Logan/TheAverageLog. Most visited articles. The buff from Magic Medicine stacks with other sources. As the story requires. Found in a locked box in the Casino Cave. As the good results are relatively rare, the best. The Warhammer (ウォーハンマー) is a weapon in Dokapon Kingdom. Found in white loot spaces in the Sunken Shrine. Wallace (Kingdom) Overlord Rico; Clonus; Monsters. The Black Shield is a shield in Dokapon Kingdom. Third, Rico Jr. The Iron Shield is a shield in Dokapon Kingdom. She specializes in healing herself for half of her MAX HP for free every turn occasionally while. Carpenter is one of the jobs in Dokapon the World obtainable after using a Job Warp as a male character. However, he will sometimes appear randomly on an empty space after defeating him in Chapter 4. Third, Rico Jr. 0, making it the most powerful Offensive Magic in the game. Angelo first appears before the game starts, when the player chooses their. Is there some special requirement to get their? I went to the space that says it was the entrance but nothing happened. Investing into a town raises the town's value and increases the town's income. 63. The Pyramid is in Aphrike. Some shields have a chance to trigger a special effect when the adventurer uses the Defend option in combat, though all shields that can do so cannot be. No effect if he is not present. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Tower of Rabble 1F Item StoreCommunity content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Prologue Map Asiana Map Hallstatt Map Clovis Map Llano Map Gunnbjorn Map Aphrike Map Flinders Map Spring Cave Map Casino Cave Map Lava Cave Map Lost Forest Map Daunting Mountain Map Castle in the Clouds Map Sunken Shrine Map Pyramid Map Underground Passage Map Tower of. Demon is a recurring monster throughout the Dokapon series and may refer to any of the pages below: Demon (Kingdom), the variant that appears in Dokapon Kingdom. Dokapon (ドカポン) is a series of video games created by Asmik Ace Entertainment, in which two to four Adventurers are assigned a mission. Demon is a recurring monster throughout the. The Estoc (エストック) is a weapon in Dokapon Kingdom. Their low MG makes them very vulnerable to Offensive Magic. The Moon Shield is a shield in Dokapon Kingdom. Or create your own and share your tips with the community. Dokapon Wiki. Castle Edit Castles are obtained in Story Mode by completing story objectives at the end of each chapter. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA. Landing on a Temple will set the adventurer's spawn point there. Her Field Skill is Summoning of the Spirits, which uses a random type of field magic between ice,. I got my Hero License! Battle Magic Space. I noticed there were no videos up of the Castle in the Sky in Dokapon Kingdom so here's a quick video of it. It is the initial spawn point of all Normal Mode games and Battle Royale games. It has a chance to instantly kill the opponent if they're hit by an attack. Since it is the second continent, it contains more challenging enemies than the first continent. It contains the entrance to the Daunting Mountain and the Sunken Shrine. It can only be found in the Prologue and the Castle in the Clouds . It is a small snow-filled continent, with just four Towns, no Shops, but it has a Castle. Found in weapon spaces in the Castle in the Clouds. Purchased from the weapon store in Asiana. Found in weapon spaces in the Castle in the Clouds. In Dokapon Kingdom, the price and value of some things will increase based on how many weeks have elapsed. His father, the king of the underworld, is Overlord Rico. Found in weapon spaces in the Castle in the Clouds. Magician Wizard. If a player is the owner of Ussuri, Caviar can be obtained in two ways once the town is level 3 and has produced a local item: Land on Ussuri's town space and collect taxes. Okay, I'm going to make sure to get that now. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Gunnbjorn is a Continent in Dokapon Kingdom located north of Clovis. Battle Skill - Double Rainbow: MG is doubled. 1 and Lv. The Dragon Guandao (青龍刀 Green Dragon Sword) is a weapon in Dokapon Kingdom. It is obtained by defeating a Chimpy or from item spaces in Castle in the Clouds . Field Magic. If an adventurer is already currently in a battle, a new monster will be spawned at their location and. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. A 4 Spinner (4バイン) is an item in Dokapon Kingdom. Purchased from the weapon stores in Flinders and the Underground Passage. Purchased from the weapon store on the third floor of the Tower of Rabble. It is based on the real world. A Sylph (シルフ) is a type of monster in Dokapon Kingdom. On Our Way / Castle in the Clouds - Dokapon Kingdom. A Red Loot Space is a Loot Space whose loot includes a wide variety of Items and Equipment. Castle in the Clouds. Rico Jr.